- account
- token
- collection
- accountCollection
- transaction
- transfer
- sale
- currency
- hourlyCollectionSnapshot
- dailyCollectionSnapshot
- weeklyCollectionSnapshot
Data Preview
You can see sample records of the various entities to faimilarize yourself with GraphLooker.
Description: The Wallet Address / User / Owner of an NFT
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The wallet address for a user |
tokens | [token!]! | The NFT’s owned by an account. |
transfersFrom | [transfer!]! | The transfers that were sent by an account. |
transfersFrom | [transfer!]! | The transfers that were to an account. |
accountCollection | [accountCollection!]! | The collections for the NFT that an account owns with the total count of NFT’s for a specific collection. |
Description: ERC721 Token / The NFT
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Ethereum / Collection Addrress - Token Id (formatted to play nice with OpenSea) |
collection | collection! | The collection address |
identifier | BigInt! | The id of the NFT |
owner | account | The address the currently owns the token |
transfers | [transfer!]! | Transfers involving this token |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The address of the collection |
name | String | The name of the collection |
symbol | String | The symbol for the collection |
totalSupply | BigInt | Total Supply of Tokens. As the NFTs of a collection are minted, this increments by 1. |
mintPrice | BigDecimal | General Mint Price (does not factor discounted rates or team mints) |
tokens | [token!]! | Tokens for the collection |
supportsMetadata | Boolean | Collection supports metadata |
totalSales | Int! | Total sales for the collection (transfer event + indexed sale event |
totalVolume | BigDecimal! | Total volume (ETH and WETH only) |
topSale | BigDecimal! | The largest ETH/WETH sale for the collection |
hourlyCollectionSnapshot | [hourlyCollectionSnapshot!]! | Hourly info about the collection |
dailyCollectionSnapshot | [dailyCollectionSnapshot!]! | Daily info about the collection |
weeklyCollectionSnapshot | [weeklyCollectionSnapshot!]! | Weekly info about the collection |
accountCollection | [accountCollection!]! | M:M relationship for Accounts and Collections |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Account Id - Collection Id |
account | account! | Address of the account |
collection | collection! | Address of the NFT Collection |
tokenCount | Int! | Count of NFT's owned in a collection by the Address |
Important Note: If an address sells it's last NFT in the collection, the record will be removed from this entity.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | the hash of the tx |
timestamp | Int! | Timestamp for block |
blockNumber | Int! | Block Number |
transactionFrom | Bytes! | Address who initiated the transaction |
transfers | [transfer!]! | Transfers that occured within the transaction |
sales | [sale!] | Sale events that occured within the transaction |
unmatchedTransferCount | Int! | Count of how many transfers were not matched to a sale. Used internally for transfer & sale matching |
gasPrice | BigInt | currently unstable |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Block Number and Event Id in which the transfers event occured |
transaction | transaction! | Transaction hash in which the transfer event occured |
collection | collection! | The collection address |
token | token! | The collection addrress - The token id |
senderAddress | account | The sender address |
receiverAddress | account | The receiver address |
timestamp | Int! | Timestamp for block |
blockNumber | Int! | Block Number |
amount | BigDecimal! | The amount of ETH paid |
matchedSale | sale | matched sale event for the transfer |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Block Number and Event Id in which the sale event occured |
transaction | transaction! | Transaction that the sale occured in |
currency | currency | The currency that the sale was paid in |
amount | BigDecimal! | the amount of the sale |
timestamp | Int! | Timestamp for block |
blockNumber | Int! | Block Number |
platform | String | The name of the marketplace where the sale occurred |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The currency address. If unknown ERC20 due to lack of event info: '0xbadfeed000000000000000000000000000000000' |
decimals | Int | The number of decimals used for the currency |
name | String! | The currency name (eg Ether, Wrapped Ether) |
symbol | String! | The currency symbol (eg ETH, WETH) |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The collection address - The hour |
timestamp | Int | Unix Week (Timestamp / 3600 * 3600) |
collection | collection! | The collection address |
hourlyVolume | BigDecimal! | The hourly volume |
hourlyTransactions | Int | Number of hourly transactions |
hourlyAvgSale | BigDecimal! | Average sale amount for the hour |
topSale | BigDecimal! | Hourly top sales |
bottomSale | BigDecimal! | Hourly bottom sales |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The collection address - The day |
timestamp | Int | Unix Week (Timestamp / 86400 * 86400) |
collection | collection! | The collection address |
dailyVolume | BigDecimal! | The daily volume |
dailyTransactions | Int | Number of daily transactions |
dailyAvgSale | BigDecimal! | Average sale amount for the day |
topSale | BigDecimal! | Daily top sales |
bottomSale | BigDecimal! | Daily bottom sales |
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The collection address - The week |
timestamp | Int | Unix Week (Timestamp / 604800 * 604800) |
collection | collection! | The collection address |
weeklyVolume | BigDecimal! | The monthly volume |
weeklyTransactions | Int | Number of monthly transactions |
weeklyAvgSale | BigDecimal! | Average sale amount for the week |
topSale | BigDecimal! | Weekly top sales |
bottomSale | BigDecimal! | Weekly bottom sales |